Patience, It is the virtue of those who know how to suffer and tolerate the ugly things that happen to them in their lives and overcome them with strength and without regretting or regretting anything.
This means that everyone in the world who has patience can calm wait for things to happen, that they do not hurry up with Togo and they think that things that do not depend on oneself should be given time, be very prudent.
The value of caring, is when you care About people, when is important to you what happen with the other person no matter who is, this valué make you a good person with a gold heart.
In self-Reliance Ralph Waldon Emerson does not show the value of patience because the protagonist does not have it, he is an impatient person, he is not prudent, he is not sure of himself. The protagonist says that envy is ignorance, imitation is suicide and also to follow society is suicide, he is completely against social pressure and everything that has to do with it.
But even so he cares a lot what people say his life revolves around that, for him it is impossible to ignore what all people say about him, he thinks that he had a bad life thanks to that and it was like that.
This character does not show patience at all, does not apply it in his life because he wants to solve everything that happens to him right away, when a problem comes to his life or a bad moment, a bad situation wants him to stir right away he gets too impatient and does not it's like that.
Everything has its own time, every situation that happens to human beings is solved, whether in a lot or a little while, but everything has a solution in life, the only thing that has no solution in this life in death.
The value of caring for this character matters a lot to the opinions of the rest, he stops doing things because people do not like the society, so it should not be that every person in the world has to do the things that want, you can not stop your dreams just because someone else does not like that is being selfish with yourself, a bad person. Nowadays society is badly damaged they do not care about anything or whoever gets ahead, it is very ugly what is lived today the lifestyle that human beings lead thanks to social pressure, all people deserve that take care of us, that they love us, that values us is not fair that this protagonist likes to talk more with plants than with people. It is important to want everything we have, to be grateful people is important that each of the people in the world take care of the others is bad to be selfish and we all have to be patient to have a life in peace, a very good life especially full of happiness and be content with everything that surrounds us.